Välj ditt språk
Uppdaterad och pålitlig skoglig information för din multifunktionella skogsförvaltning
Inspiration till övertänkta beslut, investeringar och relevanta naturskyddspolicyer med högprecisionsdata
Med våra informationssystem förvandlar du bestånds- och mångfaldsinformation samt kolsänkor till ansvarsfull och lönsam verksamhet
Fjärranalysmertoder för att minska klimatrisker
Högkvalitativ information hjälper att flytta planeringen av skogsvårdsåtgärder från terrängen till skrivbordet
Molnbaserad skogsinformationshantering
Beslutsstödssystem för skogsförvaltning
Arbonaut har ett nära samarbete med universitet och kunder för att skapa praktiska och innovativa lösningar för att samla in skogsdata, planera åtgärder, upprätthålla biologisk mångfald och riskhantering.
Arbonaut har en gedigen kunskap om fjärranalys, maskininlärningsalgoritmer och skogsekosystemens fysiska och biologiska natur.
Med över 25 års erfarenhet och över hundra projekt arbetar Arbonaut med ansvarsfullt skogsbruk på sex kontinenter. Genom dessa projekt har Arbonaut skaffat sig betydande erfarenhet och en djup kunskap om digitalt modellerade skogsekosystem.
I have experienced a very constructive and successful collaboration with Arbonaut for the development of the Forestry Monitoring and Evaluation System, a digital solution specifically customized for the needs of the Rwanda Forestry Authority, for designing and monitoring forest management plans and for the reporting on key sector development indicators. Arbonaut demonstrated their commitment to achieving their task professionally while providing good advice and adapting to the local context.
I was very fascinated to use the Forest Monitoring and Evaluation System (FMES) developed by Arbonaut in my daily work as a Forest specialist. The software is highly reliable in data collection, planning, analysis, and reporting. The company was seen to be customer-oriented with prompt support in case of any need and its team of experts was very professional. The work delivered was excellent and very relevant to forest management in country’s context.
During the past 10 years Arbonaut has designed and implemented several applications for Metsähallitus Forestry. The expert team in Arbonaut is highly competent. With an innovative and customer-oriented approach the team has been very successful in supporting practical forest management in Finnish state forests.
Arbonaut provides a constant quality of inventory results that fulfil the requirements as presented in the tenders each year. I wish also to underline the positive role that Arbonaut has in the development of the methodology in accordance with international standards and research.
Arbonaut has been a partner for a long time in Posiva’s long-term safety assessment. Their know-how in spatial analyst tools and software development has given great value, especially in the terrain development modeling done for the safety case in the operating license application for the geological disposal of spent nuclear fuel.
In 1998, while searching for an image segmentation algorithm in order to inventory timber, I came upon Arbonaut’s segmentation software. The software was fully functional, clearly ahead of the industry and brilliant. I have never had a more fulfilling business experience than with Arbonaut. As a dear friend at Arbonaut has always said, “be in all peace”. Your company can too can “be in all peace” when you partner with Arbonaut.