From Eastern Finland with an international heart

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We believe strength comes from diversity. We employ roughly around 70 people with backgrounds in geography, forestry, software development, mathematics, physics, business administration and much more. Internationality has been at the heart of Arbonaut from day one – today our employees represent many different nationalities. Not only does it help us deliver quality services to our customers around the globe, but it also shapes Arbonaut’s soul.

Trust and freedom are at the core of our culture – we value our employees’ creativity and sense of responsibility in their everyday work. That is why our employees have the opportunity to choose whether they want to work in our offices in Joensuu or Helsinki, or from the comfort of their own homes. This way, we build a better community through responsible actions and honest relationships.

Arbonaut's values


    Arbonaut is the leading global provider of accurate digital information on forests

    We promote responsible forestry by creating digital twins of forest ecosystems

Job Opportunities

Teknisk försäljningschef för precisionsskogsbrukstjänster (Swedish skills required)

Vi söker en Teknisk Försäljningschef för MW Groups operativa bolag Arbonaut som vill vara en del av vår tillväxtresa och sälja vår geodataanalys för precisionsskogsbruk i Sverige. Arbonaut är en global ledare inom fjärranalys och denna position spelar en nyckelroll i att växa vår marknadsandel i Sverige. I denna roll behöver du kombinera din skog- och GIS-kompetens med en vilja att förvärva nya affärer. Du har förmågan att övertyga både experter och beslutsfattare på ledningsnivå, och har en "kan-göra"-attityd.

Get in Touch (Career - EN)

Do you want to be a part of our story?

If you feel that an informal atmosphere, personal development opportunities, and achievement are meaningful to you, send us an open application.

Send an Email. All fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

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