Intelligent use of remote sensing data to analyze your specific climate risks with great precision


Digitalizing Forest Fire Risk Management


Reliable data is required when planning forest fire prevention and suppression and when creating situational awareness in case of sudden wildfires. To prepare you for forest fire seasons, Arbonaut provides a LiDAR-based analysis of forest fire risk that incorporates the most relevant parameters of fire fuels, terrain, infrastructures, and resources. To support strategic decision-making in wildland and wildland-urban interface (WUI) areas, our experts visualize the data in ArboFiRM, an intuitive, easy-to-use, and portable application where the limit of possibilities is set by your unique needs.


Preventing Forest Damage


The health of forests depends not only on the resilience of forest ecosystems but also on promptly addressing forest damage. Droughts, forest fires, fierce winds, and insect infestations are the major causes of forest damage and, thus, are a threat to your sustainable forest management. Arbonaut does forecasting and addresses forest damage with high-precision, relevant data for careful planning and monitoring. To address the increase in bark beetle infestations, our experts have developed a unique approach in identifying individual standing dead trees from rapid drone-based surveys that may save your entire forest from being decimated.